Team OnGround Kick Off 2014 was, by far, the Best Kick Off Ever for Team OnGround!
On its eleventh year as a Team and first as a company, Team OnGround aims to conquer 2014 goals with a resounding roar to RISE TOGether.
April 24 and 25, 2014 were spent for the Kick Off at the Eagle Point in Barrio Bagalangit, Anilao, Batangas. The pristine waters of the beach under the clear blue skies greeted the whole Team. The whole resort was ready to kick start this new year with Team OnGround.
There were several presentations about important company plans, which feature measurable goals and provide a sense of direction. These plans guide everyone for their day-to-day responsibilities, where decisions and evaluations have to be done as we move forward. Aside from this, commitments were also made by everyone who is a part of the team, realizing that all of the plans & goals will not be achieved without each one’s cooperation.

To drum up the fighting spirits of everyone, an inspirational talk was given by the strong charismatic Champion Coach of the Gilas Pilipinas Team, Coach CHOT REYES. Everyone was moved by the 30-minute talk of Coach Chot even though he was speaking in the language of basketball. It’s because teamwork is a universal language that everyone understands. He defined TEAMWORK through the four simplistic letters that spelled T-E-A-M—T for Trust, E for Effort, A for Adaptability and Accountability, and M for Motivation. To quote Coach Chot, “No matter where or what we are, we can achieve goals as long as we work TOGETHER…It doesn’t matter how good you are individually without your TEAM, you are nothing”

Congratulations Team OnGround on the wins for 2013. Let’s face this year as one Team because TOGether, we R.I.S.E.